Day 12 – Christmas Eve

Living in Canada, I recognize that we’re a secular nation. That’s one of our brilliances, our diversity. I was borne Catholic but have abandoned that path for one more connected to a life force, a more natural existence filled with gratitude for all living beings. I recognize that their is no evil, just acts and behaviours that are wondrous and all shades of grey thereafter. Certainly, there are some acts that are repulsive, appear as black as the darkest forest. They seem evil, yet, we are all human and we each have roots back to our first breath, the innocence of youth. We can be grateful for those first moments and for all the learning that we go forward with into our dying days. And of all the people we come across that bring us those lessons.

I appreciate the work and strong christian influences as it’s given me a sense of love, of family and appreciation especially during this part of the year. I also recognize that these strong christian influences have been at the expense of so many and I am reminded to think of all people at this time of year, to try not to make myself joyously bigger than I need to be. That can be harmful to others who may have a vastly different experience with this time of year. And I love those people and ache for each of them to feel well.

This past month, AJ and I have scrambled to bring a day full of wonder and love to our family. Our kids are bursting in excitement and I’m warmed to see 8 year old Emily so excited to give gifts to the rest of us. She can hardly contain herself with each present she has wrapped, carefully in place. It’s also sad to think that we can’t involve more people during these pressing pandemic days. There is always more we can do to help our community.

I am grateful that I feel well and also am feeling stronger each day. I attribute today’s wellness to my yoga session with Emily last night. I was dreading it beforehand and even in the beginning but soon felt that love and connection with my daughter and noticed that I am quickly getting stronger and more flexible. Em is my yoga coach and is as important to my Ironman success as anybody. I pay her $20 per week and she is worth every penny.

I completed my fourth swim of the week today. I heard a few notes of Pearl Jam over the pool stereo system between laps and got a jolt of adrenaline and focus. I was able to squeeze in 2200m at a 2:36/100m pace. I’ve finished 7 swims now and feel accomplished. I have a long way to go and this is a very good start.

I want to race Ironman pain free. I want to feel connected in community throughout my training, I do not want to feel lonely and isolated. That begins with embracing my family and asking for their help employing their unique strengths.

Wishing everyone love, lightness and wellness.

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