Day 9 – writing a journal (Winter Solstice)

Happy Solstice. One of my favourite days of the year. Much time for reflection and opportunity for rebirth. Today among all the days of the year, is the one I feel the greatest hope. Hope for light, growth, nutrition, energy, love and a good reminder to let go. Sending you all much love and since we couldn’t go to a labyrinth, we made one in the yard. All are welcome. ❤

I was back in the pool today though a little sluggish to wake up. Needed my second alarm. The weekend was so busy that I lost a bit of focus preparing for this week ahead. I went for a great hike with Copper into Golden Ears Provincial Park, a two hour return trip but came out in the dark. Kind of got turned around which wasn’t the best but made it back safely. It was during that return that I remembered my swim goal for this week, 4 sessions. Eek. Well I got my first one in and feel grand. I am over 20 seconds / 100m faster than I was last Wednesday. Huge gains! Somewhat attributable to swimming amongst more people. I could feel the stress in my body to be faster.

And now into the day I go. It is winter solstice and I have much to look forward to tonight. Making lanterns with my family, moving into the labyrinth for some prayer and then some yoga with my coach, Emily.

Wishing you all the best and much newness and strength in letting go.


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